Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Frat confusion on Inside Oswego...

What really happened to Psi Phi Gamma house at 30 West Fifth Street, Oswego, NY. Burned down by an arsonist on Christmas, 1992?
That answer to the frat brothers question is easy. Robert McGrath, Clerk of the Works for the City of Oswego. Address, 18 West Fifth Street, Oswego, NY 13126.
Owner of the "Clubhouse Tavern".
To begin with, it is well known what happened, and documented. There were several fires in the West Fifth Street area. McGrath was witnessed! In the early morning hours bending over and starting a fire in one of the buildings. He was followed back to his house, arrested! And charged with arson. circa 1993.
But do to the fact that McGrath is a family member, and is politcally connected to attorney Richard Mitchell, (a dirty) Republican lawyer for County of Oswego. The charges against McGrath were buried and forgotten.
To find out more about this case against McGrath, contact to Oswego Police Department, (the Oswego Police Department was more than a little pissed off about McGrath walking away from these charges.)
And if you want to here more about what McGrath did...GO BEAT IT OUT OF HIM! MCGRATH HAS GOT IT COMING! PSI PHI FRIEND!!!!!
Still better! Keep bringing this story up and never let McGrath rest until he admits what he did! He ruined a lot college kids lives... McGrath could have killed somone by starting those fires!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New York State Thruway Authority the "White Elephant"

These terms definetly apply to the New York State Thruway!

White Elephant
...expensive possession that is a financial burden to maintain.

White Elephant
An endeavor or venture that proves to be a conspicuous failure.

Okay! Originally the New York State Thruway was suppossed to be free from tolls by now. (But that didn't happen.) So now the New York State Thruway Authority wants to raise the price of "tolls" on the thruway because not enough people are using the thruway anymore.

"Uh? Excuse me?" If they raise the tolls then alot more people will stop taking the thruway. Then what? You got a alot of thruway employees doing nothing just collecting their paychecks.

The thruway authority just doesn't seem to get it? You can't increase the tolls and expect people to use the thruway! Any smart business owner would get rid of anything that is cutting into his/her bottom line.
"When a department store wants to attract customers to increase its revenue, then it cuts prices and has a sale! It doesn't INCREASE THE PRICE OF WHAT IT IS SELLING!"
The time of charging tolls for using the thruway has passed, with the price of gas increasing, then increasing the tolls, the thruway is just getting to expensive to travel on anymore.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Turn the volume on your computer up so you can here what is going to be said! And watch closely what happens to this peeping tom!

Here's a great picture of the CNN tower

The CNN Tower-Canada's National Tower , is the tallest building the world. It measures 553 meters(1,815 feet). Now thats a real nice picture of it!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oswego City School board meeting

The talk, the contract sewage that came out of the Oswego City School Board Meeting, and approved by "Maggie (Now isn't that silly?) Taballi" and the rest of school board is the same as the raw sewage in this photo...the stench of these people and their so called meetings is overwhelming!

"YO! IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?" People in the City of Oswego, who aren't affiliated with the Oswego City School District! You property owners! WAKE THE HELL UP!!! Taballi and the school board, and teachers are stealing you blind!" This school board needs to be shut down!!! You don't have the money, or the student population to justify the teacher contract that was just approved. Get rid of OCTA!

"Now isn't that silly?

Magaret Taballi and the Oswego City Teachers Association

"Here's a news bulletin! Channel 16, on tv! Maggie Taballi just approved some sort of contract that she couldn't even read the writing on the paper!!! Thats just so un-believable! Thats no way to conduct a meeting! A review of all those video tapes of this meeting Taballi was providing over needs to be reviewed, by some sort of competent authority! Taballi and the Oswego City School board are out of control! Taballi has to go"

"Maggie Taballi is the wrong woman to be sitting on the Oswego City School Board." This woman just apporved, with other board members an "obscene contract pay raise" for over 425 Oswego City School teachers!"

The student population is decreasing in the City of Oswego, the property tax base is going to hell in the City of Oswego. (People are leaving.) And what Taballi has done, along with the Oswego City School Board, and OCTA, is one of reasons. OCTA IS RAPING THE TAX PAYERS OF THE CITY OF OSWEGO. AND TABALLI AND THE OSWEGO CITY SCHOOLBOARD IS HELPING THEM! Here is OCTA's mission statement:

"Welcome to the Oswego Classroom Teachers Association Home Page. The Oswego Classroom Teachers Association is a professional organization representing approximately 425 teachers in Oswego, New York. Oswego is located in Oswego County. As a union of education professionals, we are committed to educational excellence and student achievement. We advocate on behalf advocate of our members in order to ensure that their statutory and contractual rights are upheld."

Notice the last sentence: "We advocate on behalf of our members in order to ensure that their stautory and contractual rights are upheld."

Thats an oxymoron if there ever was one! Well there you have it in OCTA's own words...

OCTA could care less about students and the City of Oswego. Well time to put people who will bring OCTA and the school teachers in line. Let Ed Harington, and Dicl Atkins run for the City of Oswego Schoolboard. They won't put up with OCTA and the teachers bull!

As Maggie Taballi always says: "Now isn't that silly?" Hey Taballi go stuff your face with another dozen donuts because thats all you ever do!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Run Fran Hoefer, Run! The Zoos after you!!!

Fran Hoefer and Inside Oswego

Hey Hoefer! "Whats the matter? You can't stand the competition of another website?"

GEE!!!! I have giving people another venue to express themselves! But Fran Hoefer doens't like this new website!

"But Frannie Baby!!!! I was just trying to help you out! Your were pleading on Inside Oswego that you didn't know if you had the strength to keep "Inside Oswego" going??? Oh poor Frannie Hoefer!!!! BARF/GAG!!!!" Grow up Hoefer you wus, ya wimp!" LOL!!!!!

Hey thanks! "Hoefer! I didn't know you were that afraid of competition?" HOEFER YA LOOSER.....LOL!!!!!

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